Loan Profiles

Carolina Kitchen

Brisas Del Mar Seafood Market

A Better Life Homecare


Little Love Bug Day Care and Learning Center

BMK Ventures

Ciara Medical

Brooklyn Tea

Jefferson Crest

Pigeonly Corrections

B-Natural Kitchen and Bar

Red Angel Salon

Dioji K-9 Resort

Servitek Solutions

Drone Workforce Solutions

Jeb Foods

Warrior Service Company

A Passion for Kids

Madison Chocolate Co

Hair on Hudson Academy

Making Scents

El Centario

Mims & McCree

BrightBloom Center

Utepils Brewing Co

Brooklyn Greens

Cornerstone Healthcare System

JS Kitchen

The Blok Climbing Co
The loans profiled on this website are current or former holdings of the SBA Loan Fund. The loans highlighted may not be the highest performing loans in the Fund, but a sampling of small business loans with an impact story. The loans mentioned do not necessarily represent all of the loans held in the Fund, and investors should not assume that the loans identified and profiled were or will be profitable. A complete list of holdings for the Fund can be provided by contacting Solomon Hess Capital Management.
The Solomon Hess SBA Loan Fund LLC attempts to provide its investors with CRA credit related to their participation in the Fund. Investment decisions are not always exclusively based on the economic characteristics or investment merit of a specific asset. Certain CRA-eligible securities sought by the Fund in specific geographies may not provide as great an economic benefit to the Fund as the same securities located in non-CRA geographies. The Fund may engage in transactions at times for reasons related to CRA considerations that may not be desirable from an investment standpoint. If one, or multiple federal banking regulators, such as the OCC, FDIC, or the Federal Reserve Board, were to deem an investment in the Fund as not qualifying for CRA credit, the impact on Fund investors could be material.